Fitness Blog

First Responder Fitness, Health, & Wellness

Our Heroes Fund is committed to promoting, furthering and assisting in the advancement of fitness in the first responder world and will provide an arena to promote any resource that will further this end. In the world of first responders, whether it be military, police, fire or medic, fitness is often the one factor we all control that can directly mean the difference between life or death not only for us, but those we serve and protect as well as our sister or brother in arms. The fitness needs of the first responder are in stark contrast to others in our purpose and goals. It is not for sport, or recreation or for simple personal gain that first responders need elevated fitness levels. Theese are the rare professions where superior fitness is mandated to be able to help someone other than the first responder. If a first responder cannot carry an injured civilian or comrade, or cannot climb up multiple flights of stairs in heavy equipment to affect a rescue, or they cannot sprint fast enough or long enough to reach the injured child, then how can they do their job? OHF commits to supporting any and all efforts to increase the first responders fitness level, be it with education, seminars, training blocks, speakers or simply an exchange of information and productive discussion. And let us not think for a moment that fitness means just the physical portion. Equally and if not more important, is the mental fitness perparedness that all first responders must possess, particularly in times of the greatest conflict or danger. There is a simple quote that says it all….

“Fit people are harder to Kill”

Check out this great article on fitness as it relates to first responders:
